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By this point, you've created your RainedOut account. Now it's time to set a few basic items up so that your subscribers can start subscribing!
Before your subscribers join, you'll want to review these settings:
Quickly set your account settings in RainedOut, follow these steps: Log into you RainedOut admin account and open the Settings page.
Edit the following settings as needed: Account Name: Ensure that your Account Name, description and category are correct. This is how your subscribers will find you when they search RainedOut.com! Giftback Bank Information: If your organization would like to participate in the RainedOut Giftback program, enter the appropriate banking information so that RainedOut can issue your giftback payments in a timely fashion. Service Options: Be sure to set a custom sender names for SMS (text messages) and e-mail. This customization will help recipients identify whom is sending the messages.
Account Keyword Setup: Setting a unique keyword for your RainedOut service will allow users to subscribe right from their phones. Enter a unique keyword (5 characters or longer). The Account Keyword is most useful for sending a "Send to Everyone" alert while on the go. (We call this "Remote Messaging".) Create Groups
If your organization wishes to send alerts to multiple groups (for example, different teams), you'll want to create those groups before anyone signs up. Here's how:
If you're going to ask users to subscribe to groups, use the form provided to create them. Public groups are available to everyone. These are meant for teams, age groups, etc. Private groups can only be accessed via mobile opt-in using their "keyword". Usually reserved for coaches, officials, etc.
You can create as many groups as needed. Each group should be assigned it's own, unique keyword. The group keyword allows your subscribers to subscribe from anywhere!
Mobile opt-n allows your users to subscribe via text message. A keyword can be set system wide and/or on a group-by-group basis. It's best to have your keywords set before you publicize your new RainedOut service. |