My RainedOut Page

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When you created your RainedOut account for your organization, you were assigned your own My RainedOut Page.


This page houses all of the public facing portions of your RainedOut service.

Subscribers can view the most recent alerts and sign up for alerts right on your My RainedOut Page.


You may also wish to encourage potential sponsors for your league to visit your page and sign up to sponsor your organization's RainedOut service.


RainedOut Sponsorship Link on the My RainedOut Page.

What does Sponsorship do?


Keeps this service free for you.


Allows you (the organization) to receive funds from the Giftback program.


Allows the sponsor to show their support for your organization.


Please note: All sponsorship messages are reviewed. Messages with misleading, rude, lewd, or otherwise unacceptable content will be rejected.