Group Keywords |
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When creating a group, it's a good idea to set up a keyword for the group.
Account Keywords are used to allow your subscribers to register for your RainedOut system by simply texting 84483 with your unique keyword. That's a great way to sign up for alerts sent to the whole organization (e.g. the whole league). However, you may also opt to set keywords linked to groups in your RainedOut system.
If a subscriber texts 84483 with a group keyword, they subscribe to your organization AND join a group within your organizational structure (e.g. a specific team!).
All keywords must be unique and at least 5 characters in length.
Once a keyword has been reserved, no other RainedOut league/organization can use the same keyword. As RainedOut is a nation-wide service, many of the most "common" keywords may be already taken. A little creativity and patience may be needed to get a keyword that works for you. The "Keyword" provides a mobile option for your subscribers to sign up for groups by simply texting 84483 with a keyword.
For example, if a subscriber wanted to join our "Sample Soccer" league's RainedOut service and is a member of the team named "Galaxy", they'd text 84483 with the keyword for the "Galaxy" team, which is set as "sample1"
The whole process is then as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Mobile Opt-In allows users to sign up for your service anywhere, anytime, right from their phone via text messaging by texting 84483 with your keyword. |