About Keywords

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Your keywords are essential to RainedOut! The do lots of cool stuff, like...


Keywords allow a subscriber to sign up to your RainedOut organization service by texting your keyword to 84483 (called mobile opt-in).


Keywords are also used by you if/when you send alerts via Remote Messaging (text message).


All Keywords are unique to your RainedOut account.  Once you've reserved a keyword, no other RainedOut organization can use it.


If you don't have any keywords, you need them!


There are 2 kinds of keywords in RainedOut:


1. The Account Keyword


The Account Keyword is the "main" keyword for your entire RainedOut organization account. Essentially, it allows you to send alerts to "Send to Everyone" remotely. Users can also use this keyword to sign up for your RainedOut without picking a "Group". They'll only get alerts sent when you "Send to Everyone". (This is perfect for organizations who don't need any groups!)



2. Group Keywords


Much more common are "group keywords".  Group keywords function just like the main account keyword, except they are associated with Groups. So, if you subscribe using a group keyword, you are not only signed up for RainedOut, but also for the group associated with the keyword.